Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fire Kevin McHale

My biggest hopes for Grizzlies this season: OJ Mayo gets Kevin McHale fired. 

I hope that OJ Mayo outperforms Kevin Love (featured above doing his best Shawn Bradley impression) so that every sports writer across the country has to write a an article next April about what a lop-sided trade the Wolves made and what a genius Chris Wallace is.

It's nothing personal. I'm sure Kevins Love and McHale are fantastic human beings. However, I want the Grizzlies to 'win' something. They aren't going to 'win' in attendance or in the standings. I'm confident that Marc Gasol, Javaris Crittendon, Darrell Arthur, and Michael Heisley's extra cash aren't going to out-perform Pau Gasol. 

I think our best bet at winning something will be the draft day trade with the Timberwolves.

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